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When it comes to an effective yet supportive workout, recumbent stationary exercise bikes are the #1 choice to invest in for your gym. They are a great piece of equipment for any home gym and allow you to exercise while seated in a supportive, reclining position. At Top Fitness, we have a variety of recumbent bikes that are ergonomically designed to help support your back, manufactured from the best fitness brands in the industry. Shop from Octane, Spirit, True, Inspire, NordicTrack, or Freemotion.

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Recumbent stationary bicycles might look a little strange if you’ve never seen one before, but they’re not too dissimilar from other indoor exercise bikes. Most notably, recumbent exercise bikes have a “full seat,” so if you’re someone who would prefer a little less pressure on your nether regions or back support, these machines are an excellent alternative. Just like other indoor bikes, stationary recumbent exercise bikes are easy on your knees and ankles and many prefer them instead of going out for a run. Don’t let an injury or joint condition hold you back from maintaining your fitness and reaching your goals.

If you have any questions about our recline exercise bikes, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, so we can answer them!

Recumbent Exercise Bikes

For individuals who want the cycling experience but are bothered by a traditional exercise bike’s seat, recumbent exercise bikes are a great alternative. Just like other indoor cycles, they’re easy on your knees and ankles, so you can have a good workout without worrying about joint pains from impact. As more people discover the benefits of recumbent exercise bikes, you’ll no doubt see them more frequently in Utah gyms—whether private or commercial.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about our recumbent exercise bikes, feel free to reach out to us or stop by one of our Utah stores!